What World Are You In?

Which World are you in?

I know a guy who is really involved with everything that happens in the news. He spends a lot of time investigating and discussing the stories that interest him. I asked him how long he spends researching. He said he reads, four hours a day.

“What do you hope to accomplish?” I asked.

He thought for a minute. “I hope to help people understand,” he said.

We are a piece of the big world. It is very important to spend time understanding the big world in the ways we find compelling like this guy does. I also think it is important to dedicate time to the internal world. Our world starts with us, who we are, and what we accomplish each day. Our world consists of us, our family, our friends, the people we live with, our neighbors, our co-workers, the people we play with. I believe change also happens when we talk to a lonely neighbor, call a family member, or have lunch with a friend who could use some cheering up. That makes a difference.

So, as you consider the daily information about the big world, I invite you to contemplate how to make a difference in your world.

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The Wheel of Purpose Has Six Sections

The philosophy of the wheel boils down to the idea that integration is essential to a well-balanced life.



Ask yourself what you hope to achieve by being so upset. What will you accomplish? Is it worth it, to ruin someone else’s day because you didn’t get something you wanted?



Getting wrapped up in these fears that could happen detracts from your experience in the here and now.


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